The DHA Multan Ballot Result 2024 was announced officially. You can check your results here. Additionally, on the same day, the Phase I Ballot 3 and Possession Ceremony of Sector V (5 Marla) took place at the Arena Event Complex in DHA Multan. DHA Multan, a symbol of excellence and remarkable progress, is committed to serving its valued Members and Residents. Exciting news awaits DHA Multan members! The highly anticipated 3rd Ballot of Plots occurred on October 23, 2024.
DHA Multan Ballot Result 2024 Online Check
The DHA Multan has not uploaded the results of the balloting for Residential plots 5 Marla 8 Marla and 10 Marla. To minimize any risk, we recommend avoiding trading before the transfer opening. Only the 1 Kanal or 2 Kanal residential as well as the 4, and 8 Marla Commercial plots’ results the balloting are posted. Click here to check if you received either a no or yes vote. Result 2024 By CNIC
Finally, the DHA Multan results are now accessible online. If someone enters an incorrect CNIC Then the results are the same as the CNIC who were not successful in the vote. We would like to congratulate all the winners. While those who didn’t apply to vote, CNIC will also receive the same response the DHA doesn’t officially permit transfers, and we won’t conduct any trades. 10:20 AM.
Result of Location Ballot 2024 | Check Online |
DHA Multan General Ballot Result | Check Online |
DHA Multan Expo Karachi Ballot Result | Check Online |
DHA Multan Ballot Result 2024 | Check Online |
DHA Multan Ballot 3 Result 2024
The 3rd Ballot of DHA Multan is poised to revolutionize the experience for its members. It is anticipated that these sectors will present more lucrative plot rates compared to others, presenting intriguing investment opportunities.
DHA Multan plot verification online
Find the results from DHA Multan Peshawar Property Expo between 25 and 27 March 2024.10:25AM The Resource Limit has been reached. This message appears repeated and displayed every time you try the DHA Multan website. The question is: Will anyone be aware of this issue? The website is currently unable to process your request because it has exceeded the resource limit.
DHA Multan balloting Results
Other industries are in the development stages. how many days does it take to get available? The majority of people are waiting for the chance to expand. All day long, we were waiting for the results of the voting process for the Residential plots category(5,8,10 Marlas). But no evidence of uploading the results on the DHA Multan official website.
DHA Multan Phase-1 2nd ballot Result
Why is DHA management testing the patience of the investors and the general public? Due to exorbitant costs or rates, the general people were unable to participate in the process. June 6th, 2017 (Tuesday) – 03:00 AM – Now DHA Multan has uploaded the balloting Results of 10 Marla Residential Plots. Check Also DHA Multan Challan Form 2024.
The cost of five-marla plots has increased between $2 and $4 million over the past year. We have collected the balloting results form for DHA Multan right here on this page so that customers can verify their results easily by entering their CNIC number and captcha number.
DHA Multan installment Check Online
The projects, including the 360-degree zoo, the sports complex, Jamia Mosque, residential villas, and the Rescue 1122 Centre for Medical Emergency Services are all on track to be completed. is the official website of DHA Multan. Congratulations to those who have come out successful in the balloting, they can now proceed with booking their plot by submitting their down payment by the 10th of September, 2024.
DHA Balloting 2024
Those who did not win the election can purchase on the secondary market, i.e. from those who came through with success, paying certain profits, or looking for the next chance. Large segments of the economy are within reach.